Christian Business Coaching & Consulting Services
Leadership/Professional Development
Online/Remote Business Management
Organizational Workshops​
Start-Up Mentorship
& Accountability
Overcome Self-doubt & Imposter Syndrome personally/professionally
How We do Our Consulting & Coaching
Remember the Love You Once Had
Bible-Based & Positive Psychology-Based Instruction
As an entrepreneur, a Christian and a PhD candidate in business psychology I have done a lot of research in balancing all three. I am literally writing the book. By improving psychological strengths you can strengthen your ability to maintain a steadfast faith while navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship. It equips you with the resilience, positivity, and confidence to pursue your business endeavors with a strong and unwavering commitment to your faith-based values.
Positive Business Psychology that has a Proven ROI
Combining psychology and our faith seems counterintuitive for some, however this is where my research lies, and I can help you implement these strengths while correlating them to our faith.
Holistic Approach
No canned responses here! Each organizational fingerprint is different, by evaluating the current organizational climate we can create a custom plan together to achieve the environment and success you are trying to achieve in your organization.
Spiritual Guidance
We offer spiritual support and encouragement, helping clients deepen their faith and find purpose and meaning in their professional and personal lives. Running a successful business can become increasingly challenging when our faith and business do not evolve together.